1) Process 3rd production uDsts so that can be read/used by TMVA 2) Perform TMVA background training using DATA same-sign sample 3) Perform TMVA signal training first by using single-D0s, then Hijing+D0 (if this exists or it is relatively easy to get) and finally the MC D0s embedded in real data 4) Study first with embedding the response of S/B to different evaluation methods (BDT, Fisher etc) and then the DATA. 5) Optimize cut-variable set to use in final passes. 6) Process all available data and evaluate result as a function of TMVA estimators AND e.g. D0-pt etc, for best performance in S/B 7) Conclude study and write it up Also: 8) Use existing code to evaluate sec.vertex resolution in x,y,z vs pt for TCFIT and Dcageometry helix only 9) Use same code to produce other critical variables resolution plots for the thesis, e.g. DCA, eta, pt Also: 10) Add 5 pages a week to the thesis. Build:12/8/2011 History of updates: