Useful 23102 Resources Elsewhere

World Lecture Hall
This site points to instructional resources worldwide in all academic disciplines. Maintained by folks at U. of Texas, Austin.

by Janak Sodha, U. of West Indes, Barbados.
A lot of useful material on Electricity & Magnetism.

By David Kagan, Cal State, Chico.
Different textbook from us, but contains useful archives of sample exam questions and homework solutions.

By Mark Shapiro, Cal State, Fullerton.
Uses our textbook (HR&W), and offers hints for homework problems.

By Maurice Barnhill, U. of Delaware.
This is an Honors course based on a text by Tipler, but covers the same material as Kent's 23102. Includes helpful stuff about study techniques and problem solving, plus an archive of exam questions.

By Stephen Kevan, U. of Oregon.
Nice lecture notes on 23102 material.