---------------------------------------- Minutes of E895 Meeting - Aug. 5, 1997 --------------------------------------- Participants: Hans-Georg Ritter (HGR), Gulshan Rai (GR), Nathan Stone (NS), Bill Caskey (BC), Jessica Kintner (JK), Dieter Best (DB), Heng Liu (HL), Sergei Panitkin (SP), Mike Lisa (ML), Arun Das (AD), Chris Pinkenburg (CP), Ron Lacey (RL) NS - reported on the status of xdf format software. -achieved expected 12% compression -event-by-event: can write in a loop, can't read in a loop. -will complete dls library in 1 or 2 days -also work on CVS system area HL - finished pack/unpack routines NS,ML,HG, GR -discussed the structure of the new p/u modules. Decided to have two modules only and one switch table. hits and tracks p/u will be together. NS will work on a track p/u port. ML - reported on hitfinder development. Changes in dE/dx module, some bug fixes. Changes in treatment of "crowded" clusters. Needs some fine tuning. GR - How much time do you need to finalize 2d h.f.? ML - about a week. GR - reported on distortion correction. (UCDavis will post relevant pictures on the Web) -Old distortion correction leads to an S-shape of the laser tracks -New correction with new ExB term a bit over-compensate and still has some S-shape.( Possibly omega*tau term should be changed from 4.5 to 6.2(according to reports of Aleph and PEP4.) Straight laser tracks gives variations <1mm. -Slanted laser track without distortion correction shows some kinks. With distortion correction kinks disapeared but some distortions are introduced ( "spoon/condor" effects). ML - Is it reasonable to expect such a dramatic change in omega*tau(6.2)? This is related to transverse diffusion and his study shows that diffusion is consistent with 4.5. GR - Agreed that it has to be checked (omega*tau=4.5 for slanted laser tracks. It will take couple of days. Some related discussion follows:ML, NS, CP. SP - PentiumII box at LBL is ready for test runs. All software is in place. DB - Reported on the btf status. -code doesn't use the distortion correction now. If we apply the distortion correction now we will nedd to change the tracker. -GEANT efficiency study- btf vs jtf. Checking Arun's analysis of efficiency. AD in Ohio will do a parallel analysis. -uses 6 and 8 GeV hope to finished by the end of the week. -less than 1% of hits that are used several times. ML - Do it with 2d hitfinder please. -60% of the hits are not used @6GeV. Why? CP - What is this spike at zero Pz ? Discussion by NS,ML,CP,GR,HL,DB, BC. What is the origin of the high rigidity tracks? GR - Concluded that that both trackers do similar job in momentum reconstruction. DB - showed timing plots for btf and jtf. Concludes that btf works faster then jtf. DB - compared dE/dx resolution for both trackers. Concludes that jtf gives slightly better resolution then btf. Discussion by NS, BC, JK, GR,DB,CP,ML, AD. Do we understand the magnitude and the shape of dE/dx vs nhits? Why it's flat at large nhits? Concluded "No". Suggested to look at dE/dx spectra. Is it a problem of splitted tracks? DB - showed track momentum resolution as a function of momentum. GR - summarized a situation and open issues with preparation for DST production. -t0 correction is not ready -more work is needed on software in general -distortion correction. Will we apply it? -monitoring histograms and software for production. -finalize bad pad list -vertex module for btf? Adjourn