*************************************************************** E895 Minutes *************************************************************** Date: 26 March 96 Present: Gulshan Rai, Lee Schroeder, Thomas Wienold, A. Dean Chacon, Daniel Cebra, Jerry Chance, Tom Case GR: - The E895 experiment will be represented in the upcoming AGS users meeting by Mark Gilkes. He will give a status report. - Stony Brook is continuing with tape copying and working on pass 0 and gain calibration - time offset: GR wants will talk to Fred Bieser and hopes to determine the t0 within one clock cycle - Laser: Daniel Cebra offered to look into the Laser tuning and wants to check the frequency multiplying crystal and beam intensity while he is in Brookhaven. Laser beams would be of great help to fix the time offset. - upgrade of experimental setup: a TOF wall with sufficient granularity would extend the detection capabilities at the higher beam energies. GR reported that he looked into this possibility but was not able to identify an existing TOF wall suitable for E895 needs at the AGS. Building a new TOF is currently not under discussion. Lee Schroeder pointed out that it might be useful to investigate the situation at CERN with regard to existing TOF walls. - under the present circumstances GR released the PMTs from the EOS TOF wall for use (H.Crawford). - MPS area: after E910 has finished data taking the tpc will remain inside the MPS magnet. - E910 (Brian Cole) is presently running. A small problem in the modified data acquisition system was solved by leaving out one cherenkov counter in the data stream. - There occured a leak in the chiller system which was repaired. Jerry Chance: - reported on 2 web pages he created for MUSIC. He and Jim Draper, Juan Romero and Scott Tacko (spelling?) are working on estimating the MUSIC time offsets. They concentrate on the Au + Be and Au + C data. Tom Case: - gave a progress report on the field maps. He will finish the 1 Tesla field map first. Jerry offered to distribute the the survey information to fix the coordinate system. Lee Schroeder: - asked about the time schedule for presentation of first results from E895. G.R. expects this to happen within 3-4 months from now. L.S. mentioned that E895 should be present on upcoming conferences. Gulshan Rai: - Hans Georg brought up the question whether the EOS and E895 meetings should alternate, i.e. each being held biweekly. G.R.: we will continue to hold the E895 on a weekly basis at LBNL in the beginning but our collaborators from Davis are free to come every second week. prepared by Thomas Wienold