*************************************************************** E895 Minutes *************************************************************** Date: 19 March 96 Present: Gulshan Rai, Doug Olson, Thomas Wienold, A. Dean Chacon, Daniel Cebra, Jerry Chance, Juan Romero, Tom Case GR: - this is the first official E895 meeting at LBNL since the end of the beam time. From now on the meeting will take place each tuesday at 3 pm. - I would like to welcome Lee Schroeder as official member of the E895 collaboration - DATA COPYING: Gulshan reported that the tape copying has started at Stony Brook. He pointed out that additional help is needed to increase the copying speed. The copying process should be shared by all institutes. Davis (D.C.) and LBNL are willing to do some local copying, other 'volunteers' are welcome. The LBNL tape drives will be shipped back from Brookhaven. TC: - TAPE MEDIA: it was discussed whether the new DLT (digital linear tape) might represent the appropriate storage media for future data taking and/or distribution media. Advantages: capacity: 20 Gbytes/tape, higher I/O rates, SCSI connection, price: around $3k. GR: This question has to be discussed on a collaboration wide level. GR: - COMPUTING: meanwhile the copying is going along we should start with the data processing. I've not yet received a response from CMU who was interested in the processing. Other possibilities are processing at LBNL on the training room machines which are now still in use for EOS(BEVALAC) pass1. DO: - we have received 3 years to use those machines. That was last year so there would be roughly 1.5 - 2 years left from now. GR: - on the longer term we could consider using the PDSF HP's which will be installed at LBNL around April. I will collect information and try to discuss this with Hans Georg. DC: - Davis is definitely planning to switch to HP's TC: - REPORT ON FIELD MAPPING: TC reported on the status of building the field maps from the data sets taken with the ultrasound field mapping device. He explained the problem during the measurement (faulty ground destroyed the 'good' device). His major problem is the loss of phase locks in the device which led to a jittering in the position of about 1cm. Using consistency arguments he was able to correct for such cases most of the time. Nevertheless there are still bad data sets on which he has to work on. Using the auxiliary port of the device also introduced a temperature dependence. This could fortunately be corrected with information from the hall probe. The resulting postion resolution is around 1mm. prepared by Thomas Wienold