E895 Meeting Minutes 18 March, 1997 Attending: Gulshan Rai, Nathan Stone, Dieter Best, Heng Liu, Jerry Chance, Mark Gilkes, Hans Georg Ritter, Doug Olson ------------------------------------------------------------------------ News & Status Report: HGR - Purdue's paper is available for comments, deadline is Apr. 1. JC - Juan Romero asked about the Hall probe readings for 2 & 4 GeV run, the data is in the camac table, but we need to understand the calibration factor in order to interpret them. NS - drift velocity vs. run number (from Jim) has been packed into a KUIP vector. - The hit removal efficiency is about 40% for 2 & 4 GeV. 6 & 8 GeV jobs are still running. The hitfinder switches I used are trff=1 and decon=1. HL - did comparison between old EOS code and E895 TAS2 code. Both codes did well for old EOS data, the point removal efficiency is about 70%. For E895 data (about 20k hits for 8GeV central events), the performance of TAS2 code deteriorated, the point removal efficiency dropped to 30% while the old EOS code still gives about 57%. GR - I fixed the global t0 problem. I could align the beam with the normal event for 2 and 4 GeV. The new survey position of the beam appears to be in the wrong place. The t0 number is reflected in the kumac files in CVS. Essentially we finished all the calibrations for 6 and 8 GeV. MG - A prototype pass1 code has been built on UNIX using Tasgen. With the new system structure, there are some problems (like padrow from hitfinder is always zero), this problem may have nothing to do with Tasgen since this problem has been seen in some other context. Tasgen works fine in Stony Brook. To get to the bottom of this problem, we can try to build a toy version of TAS to see if it's working. DB - showed particle spectra from DST for 6 and 8 GeV data. - The EOS tape stackers are mounted on PDSF. HL - showed some results from RQMD events. Rapidity distribution and Mt spectra for protons and pions and particle production predicted by RQMD for all energies, and some flow results. The flow seems to be too small (I believe this is because the default mode for RQMD is cascade), I have to figure out how to turn on the mean field. Prepared by Heng Liu