---------------------------------------- E895 Meeting Minutes at LBNL ---------------------------------------- taken by Dieter Best, Tue Mar 3 1998 Attended by: Gulshan Rai (GR), Hans Georg Ritter (HGR), Dieter Best (DB), Jerry Chance (JC) Sergei Panitkin (SP), Heng Liu (HL), Jim Draper (JD) A) NEWS ITEMS: Nathan cleaned up CVS/incoming. B) DATA PROCESSING: PDSF runs 4 AGeV Au+Au PENTIUM runs 6 AGeV Au+Au C) SGIs (by JC): working executable on the 64 bit SGIs. D) PID (by HL): will prepare a kumac to make proper use of his PID module F) FULL VERTEX FIT (by DB): a full vertex fit module is in place that follows the approach described in NIM A311 (1992) 139--150 more testing is needed as well as track bundling techniques. G) ACTION ITEMS: 1. look at dedx scale 2. get more data with MUSIC 3. MUSIC drift velocity 4. more tests for full vertex fit module